What does EPD stand for?
Expected Progeny Differences - A measure of the genetic potential of an animal as a parent. These represent the difference in the average performance of the progeny in units of a trait.
How do I use EPD when making selection decisions?
How do I know if an EPD is good for my breeding program?
What traits or EPD should I be selecting for in my breeding program?
Why don’t I have an adjusted weight for an animal?
Why is my calf’s adjusted weight lower than the actual weight?
Why are my Embryo Transfer calves ratioed separately?
Why is carcass EPD accuracy not increasing with more carcass ultrasound data?
What is the difference between GE-EPD and standard EPD?
Index FAQs
How should breeders factor in breed composition when using selection indexes?
ASA’s Quick Reference Guide to EPDs and Indexes, which is published in many bull sales catalogs, states the proper approach well: Important disclaimer: DO NOT compare index values of purebreds of different breeds, hybrids of different breed composition or purebreds with hybrids — our system was not developed to make valid comparison among these groups. Therefore, you must first determine the breed and breed composition appropriate for your herd and use index values to compare animals within that population.
Is growth treated differently between the All-Purpose ($API) and Terminal ($TI) Indexes?
Why is selecting on ASA's indexes not the same as single-trait selection?